April 28, 2024

WSJ: “In America’s Biggest Oil Field, the Ground is Swelling and Bucking"

WSJ: “In America’s Biggest Oil Field, the Ground is Swelling and Bucking"

April 28, 2024

Although most of the environmental research about fracking and its wastewater disposal has to do with earthquakes, this Wall Street Journal article focuses on the slower, longer term impact of “huge swaths of land that are literally either sinking or heaving”.  This slower land movement is particularly damaging for larger infrastructure, leading to road, railway and bridge cracks and gaps, and possibly affecting large buildings and dams over time.  By evaporating at >59x the normal evaporation rate, using no energy and about 1/50th the land footprint, EcoVAP is able to reduce produced water volumes by 90-97% in most areas.



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