Boost Oil & Gas water management systems with 59x faster evaporation

EcoVAP complements all produced water methods

Managing produced water in oil and gas operations comes with a complex regulatory environment.  The pressure to have a diverse set of options is not going away. As evaporation becomes a part of that blend, misters and other active evaporation approaches fail to deliver.

EcoVAP expands the surface area of existing ponds by lifting and distributing water across a matrix to accelerate passive evaporation, then letting gravity speed evaporation by 5,900% to concentrate waste. This lessens dependence on wells, ponds or trucks — maximizing what you already use to reliably speed and ease disposal.

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Stay within the regulations

And protect your license to operate

Deep well injection can jeopardize production due to increased regulatory scrutiny and community concerns. EcoVAP provides a backstop by reducing dependence on injection. Concentration through on-site evaporation also reduces the volume of produced water you’re forcing underground. This improves your position as you adapt to evolving regulations — ultimately safeguarding your operation’s future.

Cut costs to 0.03¢ per Bbl

By evaporating your water from waste

EcoVAP cuts disposal spend by concentrating wastewater into smaller volumes on-site.  Instead of dealing with costly, bulky liquid waste, you handle and transport a smaller volume of solid or semi-solid material. Its low-power, high-volume pump only runs for 20 minutes every few hours, translating to minimal power usage and operating costs. And it drives economic returns for decades.

One installation that slashed trucking dependence by 95%

This Texas operator was overspending on transporting wastewater for SWD disposal. Trucking also worsened local traffic, C02 emissions and legal scrutiny. Installing EcoVAP reduced their wastewater value by 6300% and solved onsite wastewater problems in just three months. As a result, they’ve eliminated almost all trucking dependence.

Frequently asked questions

+ My ponds are as big as lakes, and I’ve got lots of them. Can EcoVAP handle all that volume?

Absolutely. EcoVAP is scalable and modular, which means you can adapt it to varying operational demands over the footprint of your operation and grow with your needs. This system speeds your site’s average pan evaporation rate by 5900% — and our team can calculate exactly how much water volume the matrix will remove every month at your site. Those numbers are not estimates. They’re straight from a 2017 Golder (now a member of WSP) Engineer’s Certification Water Balance and Validation Test. Real-life operations have benefitted, too.

+ How does this integrate with my existing setup?

We start with a site assessment to understand your current management system and specific needs. This includes the volume of water you need to eliminate and your overall water disposal goals. Next, we’ll design a custom matrix shape that considers your spatial constraints and land footprint. Our team installs the EcoVAP system on-site, including connecting the unit to water and power. Unlike misters, this system does not need frequent maintenance or supervision, and its modularity means you can be up and running quickly — and expand quickly.

+ What does my site need before installation?

The size of your system depends on your goals. Small installations start as little as 200 square feet. You’ll need initial earthwork to prepare the site, and power to run the low-power centrifugal pump.

+ How much does EcoVAP cost?

It depends on the size and scale of your water elimination needs. If you need proof of concept or a first-phase pilot to expand upon, give us a call. We're friendly.

+ How will you advance my ESG goals?

Compared to every other disposal method on the market, EcoVAP stands out as a prime example of your public commitment to environmental sustainability just by eliminating trucking dependence alone. For every 100-mile round-trip avoided, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint by .34 metric tons. You’ll also reduce exposure to airborne pollutants sprayed by misters, events that disrupt local communities and the disastrous impacts of pond breaches or leaching. It just accelerates the same processed nature uses to clean water and safely return it to the water ecosystem.

Enhance your tailing pond with EcoVAP

Augment your operation’s water disposal methods. Schedule a site visit today.

You know your operation’s waste disposal challenges better than anyone. With EcoVAP, you’ll simply enhance what you’re already doing right. Start speeding evaporation, reducing liquid waste and improving your water management system now.

You don't need more of the same. You just need EcoVAP.

Are you ready to get started?

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