January 13, 2023

Federal Government Releases Seismicity Report Studying Possible Federal Regulations

Federal Government Releases Seismicity Report Studying Possible Federal Regulations

January 13, 2023

The attached comprehensive report (dated 1/13//23) on human-induced earthquakes from injection wells was prepared for the US Congress.  Given the continued rise in the number and severity of these earthquakes, as well as their ability to cross state lines, the US Congress is considering more oversight: a.) amending the UIC program "to require consideration of induced seismicity"; b.) if the “federal government should have a role in regulating underground fluid injection activities"; and, c.) various other possible funding/regulatory options.  EcoVAP is helping the oil/gas sector (and others) stay ahead of this increasing state - and possibly now federal - scrutiny by reducing the volume of produced water by over 90% using practically no energy or other operating cost: https://www.ecovap.com/case-studies/oil-gas-operation.



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