media AND news


Wastewater From Fracking: Growing Disposal Challenge or Untapped Resource?
November 2019
Natural gas production in the US is at an all-time high, according to the latest reports from the US Energy Information Administration. But the dramatic growth of shale gas over the past decade, made possible by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has led to huge volumes of salty wastewater called brine or produced water.‍
Produced Water Treatment System Market Expected to Surge Through 2029
April 2019
A report by Future Market Insights shows the global produced water treatment system market’s growth due to the demand from the oil and gas industry. –
Mining Companies Pollute Waterways. Citizens Pay.
March 2019
Nearly 2 billion pounds of toxic waste were dumped into western waterways in 2017, and taxpayers are left to clean up the mess.
We’re Just Starting to Learn How Fracking Harms Wildlife
Interesting background and data for why ECOVAP’s environmentally sound technology is a critical piece needed to counter the mounting evidence that proves that natural-gas and oil extraction threatens wildlife and ecosystems — much as it harms human health.
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska