media AND news


A “Dirty Dozen” of Mining Environmental Risk is Called Out, Mostly Citing Tailings Pond Issues
August 2021
Despite improvement following the 2014 Mount Polley tailings pond disaster, significant wastewater management risks remain in mining-rich British Colombia...
Audit of British Columbia’s Tailings Pond Regulations Casts Shadow on Government’s 'World Class’ Mining Claims
July 2021
In 2014, a collapse of the Mount Polley copper/gold mine tailings pond unleashed 24 million cubic meters of wastewater into British Columbia waterways, becoming one of the worst mining environmental disasters in history...
Even Shallow Wastewater Injection Can Cause Earthquakes
July 2021
Geoscientists have found that even shallow wastewater injection - not just deep wastewater injections - can also cause widespread earthquake activity...
Salton Sea: Possible Mega-Project Would Require Enormous Brine Disposal
June 2021
The Salton Sea in Southern California has been dubbed one of the worst human-caused environmental disasters, worsening every year as farm run-offs deposit more chemicals to the lake,..
California “One of the Worst” in Regulating Oil/Gas Industry Waste
June 2021
Notwithstanding its branding as one of the most environmentally-protective states, California ranks poorly in its regulation and enforcement of oil/gas waste, and particularly the industry's wastewater (aka, “produced water”)...
Rising Earthquakes Leading to Greater Scrutiny of SWD; Reuse Option is Limited
June 2021
The first article below, “Treating the US Oil Industry’s Dark Water: As Earthquakes Increase, Billions Needed to Switch Course”, details increasing earthquakes and other negative environmental impacts as reasons to “switch course”, specifically calling for more reuse of wastewater...
ECOVAP: A Win-Win for the Rare Earth Market that is Critical for Green Energy
June 2021
ECOVAP is proud to have provided a financial/environmental win-win to a large producer in the rare earth mining business (see Mining Case Study:
Earthquake “Swarms” Linked to Wastewater Injection in California
June 2021
The USGS has long established a strong link between wastewater injection and earthquakes in many states that previously had practically no seismic activity (i.e., Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana)...
The Canadian Tar Sands Tailing Pond Market
April 2021
This article summarizes the wastewater challenges for the Canadian Tar Sand tailings ponds as one of ECOVAP’s primary target markets. These ponds hold 1 trillion liters (6.3bn barrels) contain a “unique cocktail of toxic chemicals ...
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska