media AND news


“Salting the Earth: The Environmental Impact of Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills"
March 2023
While farmers often lease their land to oil/gas E&Ps, this relationship is strained when overflows and leaks from pipes, trucks, etc. contaminate the farmland or watershed...
Federal Government Releases Seismicity Report Studying Possible Federal Regulations
January 2023
The attached comprehensive report (dated 1/13//23) on human-induced earthquakes from injection wells was prepared for the US Congress...
Tailings Pond Volumes Increasing with Lower Grade Ores
January 2023
The world’s 29,000-35,000 active, inactive and abandoned tailings storage facilities (“TSFs”) contain approximately 534 billion cubic meters (~14 trillion gallons) of wastewater...
EcoVAP Solution for Coal Power Compliance with Coal Ash Rule
November 2022
In November 2023, the environmental law group Earthjustice released a 212-page report on the difficulties of coal fired thermoelectric plants in complying with the Coal Ash Rule...
E+P Ordered to Pay for Greenfield Public Water System Where Wells Were Contaminated
November 2022
In a possible precedent-setting case, a Marcellus E+P was ordered to connect the public water system to a rural 1,200 population town in Pennsylvania. ...
40,000BBL Injection Well “Fountain” Leak Prompts Calls for EPA Regulatory Takeover
November 2022
Ohio regulators are reviewing their role and laws for SWD injection wells following allegations of “chronic violations” and a “culture of permissiveness”...
Hurricane Ian's Long Term Environmental Damage Underscores the Value of EcoVAP’s Wastewater Elimination Ability
November 2022
Following Florida’s hurricane Ian, the clean-up continues, but some contamination from overflowing wastewater storage and evaporation ponds is likely to lead to toxic soil and freshwater for years to come...
Unchecked Oil and Gas Wastewater Threatens California Groundwater
October 2022
California is the only US state that still allows untreated oil and gas “produced water” to be dumped into unlined pits...
US "Carpet Capital" Facing Legal Action for PFAS Disposal
September 2022
Residents of Rome, Georgia are asking courts to halt dumping of upstream carpet dye wastewaters that cannot be treated by most traditional municipal sewage systems...
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska
MARCH 2021
Army Corps denies permit for massive gold mine proposed near Bristol Bay in Alaska