October 21, 2022

Unchecked Oil and Gas Wastewater Threatens California Groundwater

Unchecked Oil and Gas Wastewater Threatens California Groundwater

October 21, 2022

Unchecked Oil and Gas Wastewater Threatens California Groundwater

California is the only US state that still allows untreated oil and gas “produced water” to be dumped into unlined pits.  This article details increasing evidence that produced water toxins are showing up in drinking water, including benzene levels that are 45x California’s legal limit.  In total, the state produces 3bn barrels of produced water a year, adding to an existing 16 billion barrels of previously disposed water that continues to “percolate" into groundwater.  EcoVAP operates a large facility in California, but in the mining sector (see Case Studies), and hopes to similarly dewater >95% of produced water.



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