February 13, 2025

The 15 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2025: EcoVAP Checks Most of the Boxes

The 15 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2025: EcoVAP Checks Most of the Boxes

February 13, 2025

While EcoVAP’s biomimicry technology was originally developed to reduce wastewater disposal costs, we are always happy to reflect on all of its environmental advantages versus other means of disposing of contaminated water.   As a nature-based solution,  EcoVAP is naturally in harmony with Mother Nature, using practically no energy, chemicals, or land.  As our team reflected on the attached article (i.e., the "15 Biggest Environmental Problems of 2025”), we were pleased to conclude that EcoVAP’s technology, to varying degrees, either alleviates or eliminates the vast majority of these environmental challenges (by our count, 11 of 15; sorry, can’t help with “Overfishing”).

Full article: https://earth.org/the-biggest-environmental-problems-of-our-lifetime/

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