November 25, 2020

Stringent New Standards for Tailing Pond Wastewater

Stringent New Standards for Tailing Pond Wastewater

November 25, 2020

A joint report (August 2020) by the United Nations Environment Program and the International Council on Mining and Metals calls for much higher safety standards and regulations for managing mining tailings ponds. To date, much of the tailing pond “regulation” has been done via increasing multi-billion dollar environmental lawsuits ex-post various tailings pond leaks and total failures. The UN’s report focuses on methods and standards for prevention throughout the mine life-cycle. ECOVAP’s ability to dramatically reduce wastewater volumes can lower the contamination risks ex-ante for existing sites while also facilitating remediation for the thousands of abandoned tailing ponds throughout the world.

READ FULL ARTICLE by Global Tailings Review Org. (full story)

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