March 5, 2023

“Salting the Earth: The Environmental Impact of Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills"

“Salting the Earth: The Environmental Impact of Oil and Gas Wastewater Spills"

March 5, 2023

While farmers often lease their land to oil/gas E&Ps, this relationship is strained when overflows and leaks from pipes, trucks, etc. contaminate the farmland or watershed.  This article reviews concerns that produced water spills are leading to fertility issues for humans and a variety of other negative impacts for the broader ecosystem.  This is a particular concern in North Dakota’s Bakkens which continues to see numerous spills even after this article was written.  With its unique ability to eliminate wastewater at the well-head, EcoVAP reduces the costs and risks of pipeline and truck wastewater transportation to an injection well.  


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