November 1, 2022

Hurricane Ian's Long Term Environmental Damage Underscores the Value of EcoVAP’s Wastewater Elimination Ability

Hurricane Ian's Long Term Environmental Damage Underscores the Value of EcoVAP’s Wastewater Elimination Ability

November 1, 2022

Following Florida’s hurricane Ian, the clean-up continues, but some contamination from overflowing wastewater storage and evaporation ponds is likely to lead to toxic soil and freshwater for years to come.  Florida and much of the Southeast US have a difficult wastewater problem given a plethora of industries that need to dispose of toxic waste and wastewater (including phosphates and various mining, farming, livestock, paper, concrete, asphalt, metal and many other industries) vs. few safe means for disposal (i.e., few injection wells, and ocean dumping is illegal for most industries).  Thus, the state relies on thousands of storage, treatment and evaporation ponds that overflow during torrential rains and with toxins that can be carried by winds for hundreds of miles.  EcoVAP’s ability to reduce wastewater volume by >95%, without using practically any energy or land, is ideally suited to be a low-cost, environmentally-friendly means of reducing or eliminating these toxic ponds and lagoons.  Despite Florida’s high humidity, EcoVAP has proven its ability to evaporate at >25x the normal rate even during the state’s cooler, humid months.

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