September 13, 2024

EcoVAP Highlighted as Innovator for Sustainable Permian Produced Water Management

EcoVAP Highlighted as Innovator for Sustainable Permian Produced Water Management

September 13, 2024

EcoVAP was honored to have its pilot Evaporation Matrix with midstream company Deep Blue presented in the article: “EcoVAP - Aerospace Engineering Meets Produced Water Near Midland Airport" (pages 68-69) in the most recent edition of North America Outlook magazine.   In this edition, the editor highlights the water challenge and need for water innovation (pg 3), with the cover story article on Deep Blue and the EcoVAP article as an example of a collaborative effort to use new technology for sustainable water management.  According to Deep Blue CEO Scott Mitchell, “EcoVAP’s Evaporative Matrix Technology was unique in meeting Deep Blue’s goals of reducing costs and being environmentally sound.  It has proven successful in our pilot area, and we are excited about its potential to add value across our system."


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